Photo from Quasi's Facebook page, which you should go "like" immediately
Happy Wednesday! Suffering is universal.
Seriously, though. That’s what the news feels like a lot of the time. Acknowledging the pain and hurt in this world is really important, but not when that pain and hurt is being shared for clicks. I love journalism and it pays my rent and all that, but our industry’s obsession with Bad News (and our proclivity to make that Bad News easily digestible by cutting out critical thought and abandoning any search for compelling solutions) tends to squick me out.
This often leads me to say, “I wish someone would write about the good news happening out in the world.” Today I realized that OMG GUYS I AM A SOMEONE. So here you have it, a list of good things that took place today. You’re welcome.
When Bad News Leads To Good News:
A group of Canadian lady boxers are planning on crashing the awful, disturbing, pro-rape MRA meet-ups being planned across North America. The Toronto Newsgirls, an all-female fight club who is Not Here For Your Bullshit, encourage other women to follow suit. To which I say, please bring on the pictures of Mormon feminists guarding their temple in Provo, Utah with Crock-Pot catapults and a bunch of those DoTerra tablets that really hurt when you get them in your eye. I am here for all of it. YES.
Today In Dogs:
“Quasi The Great,” a German shepherd born with Short Spine Syndrome, has amassed an Internet following of over 60,000 people. Quasi (full name Quasimodo) does not have as much spine to go around as his fellow pups, making him one of only 14 recorded cases in the world. Initially, people worried Quasi would be difficult to place given his unique condition, but the opposite turns out to be true. Hundreds of people want to adopt him. He’s not up for adoption as of right now, but a forever home for Quasi seems inevitable.
A Happy Read:
“OK, Jenni,” you say, “but what if I need a little more than this? A cute dog and some kickass ladies will only keep the sad state of affairs at bay for so long.” Firstly, kind hypothetical sir, I must say: NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF A CUTE DOG. And secondly: enter escapism! Abandon the world entirely by immersing yourself in this delightful, satisfying analysis of cheerleaders on Instagram. This little beauty is long, filled with pictures, and just the right kind of mundane to wind down with over dinner. It’s up there with that piece about that picture of Nicki Minaj at that one kid’s bar mitzvah. Pulitzers to both. Amen.